Thursday, 1 December 2011

Have a few character pieces! That's right, my drawings of children have sprouted into some illustrations. These character studies are of Freya - the main character from Francesca Simon's new book The Secret Army. I have also been working on some black and white interior illustrations based on the book which will get put up here when I have finished a decent run of them.

The first image needs a bit of explanation - Freya is realising that her legs are beginning to turn to ivory.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

After falling off the blogwagon for far too long, here is some stuff. I think I will start posting smaller/single image updates to keep it all flowing a bit better.

First up is a portfolio piece, a book cover illustration for dark & mystical teenage girl fiction set in Venice. Part of the reason keeping this blog updated is taking so long for me is that it takes a good few weeks after finishing it before I can really like a piece of work again - this one is from about a week ago.
Next, here are some children! Thirteen of them to be exact. The under-18 area of my sketchbook has been sorely lacking recently.
Finally, I wasn't even sure about posting this, but here a couple of pages messing around with comics for a four-page short story/descriptive exercise. I really haven't done anything comic related and sustained beyond three or four panels since I was fourteen (or younger?!), so these are definitely the early stages of experimental, and some of the dialogue is atrocious, but hopefully there is something in them that will justify getting it finished.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A few drawings to show what I have been doing recently. First up is this handsome beast, drawn mostly for fun, partly to potentially be used as promo for a friend's band.
 Next are some sketches from my development work for a comic version of indian folk tale; the Fisher Girl and the Crab.
*Note: gourd talking to an old man, dissatisfied wife sneaking away from her sleeping husband (who is a crab).
Last and least, something I drew while procrastinating, of me procrastinating (some knowledge of Star Wars required).

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Decided that I ought to make at least one post before heading off sunnier climes for three weeks. First up are a couple of quick editorials based articles from the occasional New York Times series Townies, This Summer The Guilt Is Gratis and Phantoms of the East River, self initiated to continue bumping up my portfolio.
Realised that I hadn't yet posted these character sketches, which have been getting quite a bit of positive feedback recently, not least from the lovely people at Arena illustration agency earlier today!
Also, figure it's about time that I put up some photos of the shows in Falmouth and at New Designers.

 Falmouth degree show
 New Designers board
Bonus doodle artwork!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Back online with the first post since all the end of year craziness down here in Falmouth. Good news is it's all finished now, heading back home with a working computer so hopefully the blog posting will spark back into life shortly! On a related note, my website is now finished, just need to get on the tutor responsible for hosting them at uni.

Just wanted to stick up a couple of images I made for an exhibition running in the Poly alongside Falmouth film graduates work at Pixel8 film festival this friday, saturday and sunday. Come along for an evening of excellent illustration and falmouth filmaking.

The first one is for a film called Pig, where featuring a man ventures into the dark subconscious of his girlfriend. The second is for Gillez Pyskessa, exploring isolation and disconnectedness with modern Cornwall through the eyes of an aging fisherman.


Gillez Pyskessa

Big props to Joe Dunn for sorting this all out!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The theme of today's post, suitably made from New York, seems to be cities.

This image is my illustration for Falmouth Illustration Ba's Book of Illustrated Quotes and Sayings, finished a couple of weeks ago.

These three images are much older, from the end of my first year on the illustration degree. They were made in response to a description in The Dictionary of Imaginary Places. The entry was about 'the saddest city in the world', from the Salman Rushdie book Haroun's Sea of Stories but the project quickly took on a life of it's own.

Monday, 9 May 2011

With this inaugural blog post I launch the good ship Euan Cook - Illustration!

*cue champagne smashing*

Here are a few things I have been working on the past week(s?). I have plans to make this blog a regularly updated sort of thing, but in the next few days there will probably be a large amount of old images and sketchbook work being posted en masse. Stay tuned, and congratulations on finding this blog so soon after it went up that you may well be psychic.

These three images were made to illustrate an imagined book about Cuba. The first, a possible cover image, is a scene from the centre of Havana. The second illustrates the timeless rural life of most of Cuba's population. The final image is of cuban youth on a night out on the seafront under a waxy moon.

This image is a radical rehash of an old piece for the Folio Society competition to illustrate The Outsider by Albert Camus. I was never satisfied with the original, this one is looking much better, though may turn out to still be a work in progress (I think the project is cursed). Read the book and guess what characters it is portraying (hint: there is only one mangy dog mentioned in the book).